October 2015
Define your Performance Testing strategy with Visual Studio
Performance Testing is an essential part of software testing, with the specific goal of determining how a system performs in terms of responsiveness and stability under a particular workload. In this series of posts we’ll define and execute a good strategy for testing performance of an application using Visual Studio.
Oct 2015     software testing, visual studio
Office 365 Saturday Melbourne 2015
Speaking at Office 365 Saturday Melbourne about emergency response in Dynamics CRM, SharePoint and BizTalk.
Office 365 Saturday Adelaide 2015
Speaking at Office 365 Saturday Adelaide about emergency response in Dynamics CRM, SharePoint and BizTalk.
SharePoint Saturday Redmond 2015
Speaking about Kinect and Office 365 at SharePoint Saturday #SPSRED in Redmond, Microsoft Headquarters.
Oct 2015     kinect, office 365, sharepoint
Kentico Connection Melbourne 2015
Speaking at Kentico Connection Melbourne about integration of Kentico CMS with Dynamics CRM.
Oct 2015     dynamics crm, kentico